By Dan Noll on February 16th, 2017 in
If you are wondering about the proper steps to take in filing a nursing home abuse claim in Illinois, this article will aim to shed some light on the subject. The attorneys at Noll Law Office are concerned for the safety of you and your loved ones and are eager to help.
To file a nursing home abuse or neglect claim in Illinois your attorney’s going to file a complaint of law at your local county courthouse where the injury occurred. Generally speaking, the attorneys will also obtain an independent expert’s opinion as to how the neglect or abuse occurred. This is usually a nursing home specialist or a physician. They’ll testify on your behalf at trial and state how they believe the injuries occurred, and why there was a violation of the INHCA. The evidence will go to a jury who will decide whether or not the INHCA was violated and render an award on your behalf.
The attorneys at Noll Law Office are ready to speak with you regarding any questions you may have about an open nursing home abuse claim. Contact our office today, we will efficiently and effectively fight to defend the rights of you and your loved ones.
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