Do I Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Springfield, Illinois?
By Dan Noll on December 11th, 2013 in
People often call our office wondering if they need to hire a criminal defense attorney. The general rule of thumb is that if you have to ask, then you need a lawyer.
People often think that they can represent themselves on criminal cases which they perceive as minor offenses such as Traffic Tickets, misdemeanors and Driving Under the Influence charges. While a person may be able to successfully navigate the treacherous water of criminal court, it is more common for the lay person to botch their case at their own peril. The failure to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer can cost individuals their driver’s licenses, increased fines, or their freedom.
The average person is not familiar with criminal procedure, the rules of evidence, and the consequences (both intended and unintended) of their actions. This can cause the person major problems later on down the road – especially for juveniles, young adults, and people who have professional licenses. It is strongly suggested a person always consult with a criminal defense lawyer prior to walking into a criminal court.
When a client hires our Springfield Criminal Defense Lawyers, they review every case for both factual and legal defenses. We take the time to explain to our clients their options as well as the benefits or pitfalls that each course of action they may take. With our knowledge of the law and our client’s knowledge of the facts, we create a legal team which is unmatched in Central Illinois.
If you need a criminal defense lawyer (or don’t know if you need a defense attorney) anywhere in our service area, please do not hesitate to contact our office for a free initial consultation at (217) 414-8889. Our lawyers and staff are excited to speak with you regarding your case.