What Should You Do If You Are An Out Of State Driver Arrested In Illinois?
By Dan Noll on February 26th, 2014 in
Dan Stratford: One last question. If an out-of-state driver is stopped driving through Illinois, do I handle things differently than an in-state driver?
Dan Noll: No. I’d say you handle it however you would do it normally, but out-of-state drivers had a lot of other concerns when they are arrested in Springfield, Illinois. That is, if they are arrested for DUI, they need to call. If they are in from Virginia for the weekend to see their family and get arrested, they may need to come to court appearances. And our office is able to work with the court a little bit and try to make it so our clients don’t have to come as often, and that can be a huge financial savings for clients, so they are not spending time and energy and money getting back and forth. We’ve had a large degree of success in doing with our former clients.
Dan Stratford: Great. Dan thank you so much for your time today. To everybody out there who is watching or reading these posts, please don’t drink and drive. Be careful over the holidays especially but year round of course. Dan again thank you for your time and giving us these valuable insights. If you need a criminal offense attorney, don’t hesitate to contact the Noll Law Firm. You can visit their website at www.noll-law.com, again that is www.noll-law.com. Have a great day and have a safe holiday.