If you’re facing criminal charges, you’re probably overwhelmed with the stress. Will you lose your freedom? Will you have thousands of dollars in fines? What will your friends and family think about you? The Illinois criminal justice system is complex, and the laws may be confusing.
A Virginia, IL, criminal defense attorney could calm your fears and explain what to expect in each step of the criminal prosecution process. Danial Noll has extensive experience defending people charged with a crime, whether it’s an Illinois state charge or a federal charge. The firm offers a free consultation, so you can explain your side of the story and learn what kind of resolution could be possible in your case.
Although no criminal defense lawyer can promise their clients that they will be found innocent, a good criminal defense attorney from The Noll Law Office can provide a thorough, diligent defense for their clients, fighting to protect their rights in court. Contact them today at (217) 414-8889 for a free consultation.
Types of Cases the Noll Law Office Handles
The Noll Law Office has significant experience in representing people charged with a wide variety of crimes in Illinois. Following are some of the categories of criminal defense cases we have taken on for our clients.
Drug Crimes
Illinois drug charges may either be a felony or a misdemeanor. The severity of the charge and penalties for conviction usually depend on the substance alleged to be in your possession and the quantity of it.
A drug conviction of one of these charges can impact your ability to find gainful employment, secure housing, receive financial aid for college, or even affect your personal relationships.
Illinois drug offenses include:
- Possession of a controlled substance (like marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin)
- Distribution of controlled substances
- Manufacturing illegal drugs
- Trafficking controlled substances, which is transporting controlled substances across state lines or federal borders. Trafficking charges may mean you face federal charges, too.
Some common defenses the Noll Law Office employs are challenging the legality of searches of your home or car or questioning the reliability of police informants. They could also explore the possibility of a specialty court instead of incarceration.
Driving under the influence in Illinois means operating a motor vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. Commercial truckers may receive a DUI with a BAC of 0.04, while school bus drivers and drivers under 21 receive a DUI charge if their BAC is higher than 0.
DUI charges may be either a misdemeanor or a felony, but even a misdemeanor charge can have serious repercussions, limiting your ability to drive or affecting your chances of getting a job.
If your job requires driving, like being a commercial truck driver or school bus driver, then a DUI may even prevent you from working in one of those jobs again. The penalties for DUI charges in Illinois depend on how high your BAC was when you were driving, whether there were minor children in the vehicle, whether it was your first or subsequent offense, and whether you caused an accident that resulted in property damage, bodily injury to another person, or death.
Illinois DUI charges include:
- First-time DUI
- Second or subsequent DUI
- Aggravated DUI
- Felony DUI
- Driving under the influence of drugs
- DUI that resulted in the death of another person
Federal Charges
Federal law violations are prosecuted in federal court. The attorneys of the Noll Law Office are licensed to represent clients in the Federal Central District of Illinois. The closest federal courthouse to Virginia, IL, is in Springfield, so this is likely where your legal proceedings will occur.
Some of the federal charges The Noll Law Office attorneys defend clients against include:
- Possession or distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), aka child pornography
- Bank fraud or wire fraud
- Embezzlement
- Drug charges lie trafficking across U.S. borders
- Money laundering
- Forgery
Defending against federal charges is different than defending a client against state charges, as the laws and criminal court procedures are different.
Sex Crimes
Facing a sex crime charge can make your entire life seem like a nightmare. Not only is your freedom in jeopardy, but your reputation in your community can be harmed even if you were just arrested for a sex crime. Penalties for a sex crime depend on whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony, and most likely registering on the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry.
Illinois sex crimes include:
- Criminal Sexual Abuse
- Public Indecency
- Production of Child Pornography
- Possession of Child Pornography
- Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Sexual Exploitation of a Child
Defenses in sex crimes may include questioning the integrity of the complaining witness, contesting any DNA evidence and testing procedures, or providing a valid alibi.
Theft Cases
Theft charges in Illinois are assessed as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value of the items allegedly stolen. Even shoplifting could be a felony if the value of the items is high enough. More severe theft charges include fraud, robbery, and burglary.
If you’re accused of theft, your job could be in jeopardy. If you hold a professional license, a theft charge may also put that in jeopardy.
A skilled Virginia, IL, criminal defense attorney may represent you if you face one of these Illinois theft charges:
- Embezzlement
- Fraud or deceptive practices
- Aggravated or armed robbery
- Burglary, residential burglary, and break-ins
- Counterfeiting
- Shoplifting or retail theft
- Money laundering
- Theft
Defense against theft could include questioning witness testimony, the quality of video captured by store cameras, or challenging the law enforcement procedures that led to your arrest.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are crimes that harm or have the potential to cause harm to another person. Some other types of crimes, like robbery or sexual assault, become violent crimes if a weapon is involved, making them aggravated robbery or aggravated sexual assault. Violent crime charges are serious and can carry penalties that include life in prison.
Violent crimes in Illinois include:
- Armed robbery
- Aggravated battery and aggravated battery with a weapon
- Aggravated assault
- Homicide, manslaughter, or murder
- Attempted murder
- Home invasions
- Domestic battery
- Resisting arrest or battery of a police officer
- Violating an order of protection
Violent crime charge defenses are created according to the circumstances of your case. Some defenses may include providing a valid, confirmed alibi or questioning the truthfulness of witnesses against you.
Weapons and Gun Crimes
Illinois prosecutors take firearm and weapons charges seriously and often aggressively pursue hefty prison sentences. If a firearm or other weapon is used in the commission of a crime, however, it may mean that your charges are more serious than they would have been had a weapon not been present.
Some common Illinois firearms charges include:
- Armed habitual criminal
- Aggravated battery or aggravated assault with a firearm
- Armed robbery
- Possession of a stolen firearm
- Possession of a weapon by a felon
- Aggravated unlawful use of a weapon
If you have been convicted of a felony, you may no longer be lawfully permitted to own or be in possession of a weapon or firearm. You could end up going back to prison for up to 14 years.
How the Noll Law Office Can Assist You
The Noll Law Office, led by Daniel Noll and Sarah Noll, consists of skilled lawyers, paralegals, and other legal professionals dedicated to protecting their client’s rights, interests, and freedom. They craft solid, strong defenses for clients accused of Illinois and federal crimes, fighting hard for the best possible outcome in each case.
If you work with a Noll Law Office attorney, you receive insightful legal advice tailored to your situation. Your lawyer could:
- Offer a free initial consultation about your case, explaining your legal options and helping you understand the charges and your rights
- Examine and analyze the evidence against you, looking for factual defenses that help your case
- Gather favorable mitigating evidence
- Question the police tactics when conducting a search, seizure, interrogation, or arrest
- Consider your eligibility for an alternative sentencing program, like school or drug rehab
- Negotiate with the prosecutor about a plea bargain for a lesser offense
- Defend you in court before a judge and jury if your case goes to trial
The Noll Law Office legal team offers compassionate, skillful representation to clients charged with a criminal offense in Illinois or federal crimes.
Do You Need a Virginia, IL, Criminal Defense Attorney?
Have you been charged with crimes and are afraid of the risk to your life and freedom? Were you falsely charged and need to clear your name? You may feel afraid and alone, and everyone is against you. Your Virginia, IL, criminal defense attorney is on your side, your advocate in the Illinois legal system.
The tenacious criminal defense lawyers at the Noll Law Office defend people who have been charged with a crime, advise them during police interrogations, and negotiate plea arrangements with Cass County and Virginia, IL, prosecutors. Contact them today at (217) 414-8889 for an appointment to explore your legal options.